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Coming Soon – The MedicalGas.Info Discussion Forum

Medical Gas.Info Discussion Forum

Looking for a place where you can ask about medical gas and receive the exact answer? CYA has heard the requests, and is now working on a new discussion forum dedicated to the medical gas professional community.

What This Forum’s About – Keeping the Medical Gas Community Informed

Carsten Lunde, the “expert’s expert source” for the medical gas industry, spends regular time on several industry forums. But he wanted a place where CYA’s customers could feel free to gather, discuss important topics in confidence, and share insights on making patients safer.

When the company began planning an all-new, they decided to meet this need with an online forum.

When launched, the MedicalGas.Info forum will host 6 subforums: Code Compliance, Construction Management, Medical Gas Equipment, MGPHO, The Medical Gas Industry, and Training in Medical Gas Systems. Private subforums also exist to address specific customer needs.

Registration is limited to CYA customers, vendors, partners, and select professionals on an invite-only basis.

What Can I Discuss at MedicalGas.Info?

Got a question on medical gas safety? Current code compliance issues? Concerns over integrating medical gas into construction project? Confused about credentialing?

Ask your question in the forum! These and more are welcome topics.

Carsten will monitor and participate in the new forum every week. He must approve all members, to maintain a professional quality standard.

Watch the CYA News for the launch date! Customers are welcome to join the MedicalGas.Info community by visiting the Forum Registration page upon launch.

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